Speaking of boring, there are only 4 pictures below... I know, seems weird. But there's people in them - does that count? Let me explain, as I did do some adventuring, but I left my camera at home. Saturday morning I woke up excitedly, thinking it would be the perfect day to explore some trails I hadn't gotten too at Craters of the Moon. But after checking the park status online, I found that the road was closed due to snow. "Perfect!" I thought... until I called the park ranger and he informed me that there was not enough snow to go cross country skiing either. Bummer. But, not to be discouraged, I headed out to get some hot chocolate (it was in the single digits you see) and wait for the local ski shop to open - they would know were I could find some good open trails. But alas, nothing had enough snow to cross country ski, so maybe next weekend. Always being flexible, I was prepared for a brand new adventure.
So off I headed... seemingly everyone else was going the same way. But let me tell you - the sights I saw were unique, different, crazy, many unbelievable, the smells were unlike any mountain trail and the sounds were unlike any echoing cave. At one point, I even stopped to ask for directions as I was in completely unfamiliar territory without a compass or any sense of direction. "The lacy fabrics are right over there by the bolts of velour" the lady informed me. "Of course" I thought to myself. "But did she say 'velour'? And I suppose I look like I know my fabrics, right?" So off I headed in the direction she pointed, all along, remembering the eternity of hours I spent playing hide-n-seek in between the bolts of fabric while the girls picked out flowery fabrics and impossible patterns. Well, until the clerks yelled at us for running around, helping mold my loath for fabric stores. Sorry Mom - didn't find the fabric you were looking for, so off I headed to the mall. Yuck. A whole two hours of shopping and all I found were... ahem, that's a secret. And if I was ever offendable, I'd say the clerk who asked, "Are you one of those guys who can't think and listen at the same time?" probably came close. Think of my plight - here I was, shopping for my lovely sisters, surrounded by 40 quadrillion untamed smells wafting from every bottle and clerk. I can't even fathom how that was scrambling the neurons flying around in my brain as she tried to explain some worthless coupon deal that would require me to come back and spend more time deciphering between 'butterfly flower', 'coconut lime verbena' and 'moonlight path'. At least crayon colors like 'red-orange' make sense. But moonlight path? How does anyone know what a moonlight path smells like? What if there's a skunk on your moonlit path? Did they take that into account?
But enough about shopping (here I come, Ebay.com). Here's a few pictures from the weekend.
Alysia and Ryan demonstrate how Ryan allegedly got shot with his nail gun.
...turns out, Alysia had nothing to do with it.
Saturday night, the Lewis and Daniels clans stopped over for games. Tyler demonstrates his enthusiasm. (If you click on the picture, you can actually see his eyes - but I assure he was soundly sleeping.)
I promise - we did have fun! The pictures just aren't representative.
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