Saturday, October 30, 2010

Adventuring in Yosemite

Picking up where we left off...
...and by picking up... aren't the bear canisters supposed to be bear proof? Remember the sign when we first entered the campground providing the status of bear attacks. Well now that you are all excited, this was just a box we accidentally tipped over. Nothing to see here...
...or here. While planning this trip, we were hoping Half Dome and some of the other hikes would be clear for hiking. Unfortunately, the first week of June was still too early and some of the great trails we planned to hike were still closed, including this scenic trip up to Glacier Point. So, I guess we'll have to go back another time! (Are you coming along?)
So, we drove around Yosemite Valley for some more pictures on a beautiful morning, catching some wildlife crossing the road...
...and great views across the meadow of the Cathedral Spires opposing the view of...
...El Capitan! How do I express the sheer magnitude of El Capitan, rising 7,569 feet in the air?

How about if Fritz zooms way in and you click on the picture and look really close. In the middle of the picture there appears to be a large bag of gear hanging. Straight above that is a little ledge with 2 people on it!

Here's another shot that might help.

Above and to the right of the ledge, there's another person climbing! No fear there! And yes, they slept there last night! And you thought I was crazy.
Zooming back out we have more beautiful views of the Three Brothers that wrap around... Yosemite Falls (again).

I promise these are different pictures than the last post, and still just as amazing!
I believe this is Staircase Falls. Very creative, I know.
A scenic view along the Merced River...

...followed by another.

Fritz gets a refill from Yosemite.
Scenic Yosemite Falls in color...
...and black and white.
Half Dome! I'm looking forward to hiking to the top some day! But since the other scenic trails were closed, we decided to head up the John Muir Trail...
...or is that head down?

I don't remember all the details, but I believe that is Nevada Falls at the top and Vernal Falls at the bottom. Either way, you're about to get a closer look...
...of Nevada Falls... front of Liberty Cap (7,076 feet).

Shayna takes refuge from the mist.

Another view of Nevada Falls.
Looks to me like an F-18! We were treated to a number of jets flying over, requiring a moment of silence and awe as the noise would reverberate through the valley.

Fritz demonstrates the endless supply of water found in a Nalgene bottle.
Can you hear the roar of the water crashing through the narrow rocks before plummeting 594 feet to the rock bed below?

How about the roar of mother's watching these two do headstands directly over the rushing water?

Standing next to the falls as it crashes over the edge of the sheer granite wall...

...traveling to the run out below.
Looking back you can see the tumultuous water below the bridge.

A side view as we continued down the trail.
A distinctly unique view of the valley in front of us that winds around to form Yosemite Valley.
Unplanned synchronized headstands.
I promise this isn't Yoga.
Maybe Fritz just takes pictures really fast.
There they go...
...and they're up, right next to the raging waters from Nevada Falls.
Traveling down further, the trail turned into a rain forest minus the forest. Well, and no rain... just enough water to soak everybody as the wind blew the mist off Vernal Falls.
Looking through the mist into the distance.

Vernal Falls in black and white...

...and color...
...and landscape...

...and a panoramic in portrait! Click on it for the full effect.
Wow - such grandeur.
Without color, I think some of the beauty is lost...

...although I do like these views of Yosemite Falls as the sun began to set.

In sepia...

...full color...
...and then one of my favorite pictures as the sun lit up half dome and the fields in front of us.
One more look at Yosemite Falls...
...and the ever abundant wildlife in small form.
If you zoom in, you'll see some more rock climbers.
I'll zoom in for you once...
...and again. You should be able to spot the gear stashed in the middle, way, way up there!
Following are a few pictures as the sun set and we sadly made our way out of Yosemite Valley.
What beauty to behold.
Golden granite...

...reflecting in the waters below.
Blue hues of sun set...
...and the brown hues of sepia...
...along with the three travelers.
As we drove the road back to Wawona campground, the final colors of evening...
...contrasted with a few stark bare trees...
...waiting for summer to attach some leaves.

That's all...
...for Yosemite. Now, if you like pictures, the good news is that the trip was only half over as we made our way to prison, errr... well, just check back soon for the full story. In the mean time, I'll probably post a few pictures of Fall in New York. As you probably imagined, there are lots of adventures continuing here as well. Enjoy!

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