Monday, August 31, 2009

Rafting the Payette

Last weekend we were gulping water and gasping for air. This weekend wasn't much different, well, except we were using our arms more then our legs. Oh, and I took zero pictures (on my camera). Known for it's world-class white water rafting, Ryan and I headed out to Boise for a half day white water rafting trip down the South Fork of the Payette River. The eight mile section of river contained exhilarating Class III-IV rapids with names like Bronco Billy, Staircase and Slalom (I'll let you use your imagination to figure out how they got named). Despite our novice attempts and knocking heads, the only time we got dunked was after a fun 20 foot jump off an overhanging rock. You've probably figured out why I didn't bring my camera along, so if you're interested, you can check out this link: (Click on South Fork, 8-29-09, AM, Pictures 1-7, 15-19 and 30-35.) Oh, and if you happen to order any photos... just let me know!!

After last weeks hike, I realized I didn't have many people in my pictures. So after swapping pictures around, here's a few more with the rest of the group:
The bright and cheery group at 7:30 (and prior to any hiking). L-to-R: Joe, Ryan, Tyler, Miken, Keri, Jeff, Jamie, Brandon, Chris, Marnie, Eric
Eric takes my kind of picture - the kind where you're in it, but no one can tell it's you...
...well, until you jump.
Looking up the trail at Chicken Out Ridge.
Good thing it wasn't windy! Oh wait...
This must be where we discussed how "crazy" is a relative term.
Jamie and Brandon before parting ways (temporarily).
Finally at the top!
L-to-R: Joe, Chris (aka John), Miken, Ryan, Jeff, Keri, Marnie, Tyler, Eric and Brandon.

One more summer weekend left, so you'll have to stop back to see what it brings!

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