Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Hiking

At 60F and sunny on the second day of Spring, pushing slush around on the slopes didn't seem too appealing. So instead, I headed out hiking with a new co-worker. Since the higher elevations are still covered in snow, we attempted a canyon trail that takes you along the Palisades Creek. The trail system in this section of eastern Idaho is a maze of intersecting creek canyons that take you through the wilderness area. They are relatively easy, unless you choose to head up any of the adjoining mountains. When we started out, the sun hadn't gotten over the canyon walls (of course, I'm not sure it had gotten over the horizon as it was only 7AM), so the snow was crisp enough to walk on. However, as the day warmed up and the snow got softer, we eventually resorted to snowshoes (a first for me). While they can be clumsy and tiring, it was much easier then the post-holing we were doing previously. Of course, that was only after we had standing water inside our waterproof hiking shoes. But enough of the babble - I shall let the pictures tell the rest:
Looking back as the sun was starting to filter into the canyon.
Lower Palisades Lake where the sun finally crested the canyon wall after 4 miles and 2 hours of hiking.
If you click on the picture, you'll see either a beaver or an otter - not sure which.
Little did we know that our final destination was at the base of the snow covered mountain in the background (~2 miles away).
Who drags metal bridges more then 5 miles into the middle of the wilderness, along with all the welding equipment?!?
And who tries to do handstands on them?
Bam! Bam! Bam! "Will somebody please let me outta here?!?"
Upper Palisades Lake covered in ice with an island in the middle. In another 2 miles there are allegedly a couple of deafening 100 foot waterfalls, but we weren't ready for that. Maybe after the snow melts we'll come back.
Hand-stand-turned-head-stand after my arms sunk into the snow.
OK, who spilled the [coffee] beans? Actually, they are moose tracks (like the ice cream). Both moose tracks and remnants were abundant along the trail, but we only saw 1 moose, and she decided to saunter behind some trees when we went to take her picture.
River rapids
Remember "Where's Waldo?" Well this is "Where's Billy, the mountain goat?" Click on the picture to get a closer look... he is (thanks to Ryan's telephoto lens). Click on the picture for an even better view.
When we first saw him, he was headed towards the top of the peak. Click on this for a nice side view of the hairy goat!

As a side note, I was lucky enough to spot an antelope near work on Friday. I wish I had a picture as he had large black, brown and white spots!

Until next time, enjoy your first full week of Spring! (And why is it snowing again?)

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