Sunday, May 31, 2009

Checking Back Into Reality

Only a few hours remain before I return to work and the rest of life's realities, and I know most of you have stopped by to make sure I returned safely. OK, maybe not, but you are interested in pictures. Well, fear not - there are plenty of pictures (more then 5,000). So, hopefully you won't mind waiting a few days while I weed through them and pick out the top ones for posting. In the meantime, I'll let you ponder what a handstand would look like in the "Delicate Arch"...
...because that's the one place I regretfully did not get one.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Joe!
    Glad you're back. Hope you enjoyed your vacation. You got elected to next years's youth board tonight, so you can continue to appoint others to do your services for another year. (Just kidding, you can resume breathing now).
