Sunday, May 10, 2009


Has spring finally sprung? We'll see what this week is like before we make the official call, but spring must be on its way. Twas a stormy week at work, but I'm certain that's not why you stopped by, so here's the weekend debrief in pictures:
Friday I headed down to Pocatello to hike the Gibson Mountain Loop. The 8 mile loop takes you around the base of these mountains, then you climb the backside and hike down the ridge.
I opted to walk around.
A sign I could relate too....
Views from the top.
A lot of nothing for a really long ways in that direction.
You can see the thriving metropolis of Pocatello, and by thriving metropolis I mean...
Camera + binoculars, possibly just proving that it can be done.
I promise, it was a different sign.
Acrobatic equipment malfunctions.
Idaho Falls (I'm told this is as big as it gets). You can see the Mormon temple in the background.
The sound was impressive, but this was before my trip on Saturday...
Yearning for a holiness church and some more Spring sightseeing, I drove to Twin Falls (the city) Saturday evening, stopping at Shoshone Falls on the way. The Pastor and his family not only provided a place to stay, but one of those unbeatable home cooked Sunday dinner's complete with banana creme pie! Now if I can only keep my eyes open long enough to caption the rest of these pictures...
You can see why bridges over the Snake River aren't common.
Snake River
They charged 3 bucks to see this!?!
Or was it this?
Maybe this?
OK, OK, so it was this, the so called "Niagara of the West". So then I went a little picture crazy (think 100+ pictures for every $1 spent), and, well, you're left with all of these as the sun set over Shoshone Falls. (Some of them are worth clicking on to enlarge.)
One of my favorites.
The falls weren't the only pretty settings.
The placid Snake before it makes the plunge.
The power lines become a part of every tourists pictures. Photoshop anybody? (I'll send you the original.)
Happy Mother's Day!

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